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AIRE Digital Stories

Digital storytelling can be a powerful way to document and share lived experiences with environmental and health disparities with a variety of audiences including family and community members, service providers, agency staff, and policy makers.

In 2020, Tracking California worked with members of the Allies in Reducing Emissions (AIRE) Collaborative on a digital storytelling project, facilitated by StoryCenter.

The resulting videos are personal narratives based on the lived experiences, work, and vision of AIRE members to improve air quality, health, and quality of life in their communities. Together, the AIRE Stories show a glimpse into six communities that are disproportionately burdened by toxic air pollution, elevating the voices and experiences of leaders engaged in air monitoring and other efforts to improve air quality in their communities.

A collection of thumbnails from the AIRE projectsView the AIRE Stories as part of a virtual road trip through California.

Key project information

Project Time Period


Project Funder

The AIRE Stories project was supported with grant funding from the Energy Foundation

Project Partners

The AIRE Stories project is a collaboration between the AIRE Collaborative, StoryCenter, and Tracking California.

Project Contact

For more information, please contact

Individual Stories