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Achieving Resilient Communities

This project aims to partner with communities throughout California to help them develop their own path to greater resilience.

Launched in Ventura County in the spring of 2020 in collaboration with Tracking California, the Achieving Resilient Communities (ARC) project is focused on farmworker communities across California, which are at the greatest risk from both climate change and historical community disadvantage.

Communities in California are facing overlapping climate threats from wildfires, heat, drought, harmful algal blooms, and flooding. Proactive, localized efforts must be made to build resilience in the communities most impacted by these threats.

In response, the ARC Project seeks to make measurable improvements in community resilience in the following geographic areas in California: Ventura, Kern, Fresno, and Sonoma Counties. Our aim is to scale this project to many more communities statewide.

Key Project Information

Project Time Period

2019 - 2024

Project Funder

Cigna Foundation

Project Partners

Project Contact

For more information, please contact

Visit the ARC Project website

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