Through a collaboration between Tribes, government, and community-based organizations in the Clear Lake, Lake County area, this two year project will result in an action plan to build capacity and improve response for extreme heat and harmful algal bloom events.
Lake County residents are heavily impacted by climate driven events, including dangerous levels of cyanotoxin in harmful algal blooms (HABs) and periods of very high temperatures. In 2022 alone, Lake County had more than twice as many emergency room visits for heat-related illness than the state average. These events have affected the health of the community and are expected to become more frequent and severe over time.
In response to these challenges to community health, many county agencies, Tribes, communities, and organizations have developed their own resilience measures and response systems. However, the lack of a coordinated, cross sector effort to respond to these emergencies leaves Lake County residents vulnerable to health impacts.
Through collaboration with Tribal, community, county, and state organizations, CHARM aims to improve the ability of Lake County communities to prepare for and adapt to HABs and extreme heat events. Key project activities include:
- Convening of a 30+ member cross-sectoral working group
- Community data collection prioritizing voices of vulnerable populations through surveys, interviews, and focus groups
- A two-day tabletop exercise simulating an extreme heat event with all County entities who would be involved in the response

Key Project Information
Project Time Period
March 2023 - March 2025
Project Funder
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Agreement OT2HL158287
Project Partners
Project Contact:
Please contact for more information.